Mountain BikeSwitzerland

Flims – Tour of the Lakes (Cauma and Cresta)

Flims is a small village in Switzerland, close to Laax and its popular ski resorts. It offers diverse outdoor opportunities, such as glaciers, forests and canyons. In this cross country adventure mountain biking adventure, we explore the forests around Flims and relax on Lake Cresta and Cauma. Enjoy our photostory!


Landscapes:3 out of 5 stars
Fun:3 out of 5 stars
Fitness level:2 out of 5 stars
Technical skills:0 out of 5 stars

Trail in numbers

  • Distance: 18 km
  • Total climb: 861 m
  • High point: 1191 m
  • Ridable: 100%
  • Duration: 2 – 4 hours


  • There is a beautiful view point called Il Spir which offers unique views on a canyon formed by the Rhein river, just from the top of a cliff dropping vertically to the riverbed. We did not expect to find views of this kind here, it’s highly recommended you go pay a visit.
  • Flims is surrounded by dense forests and beautiful lakes. Make sure you don’t miss out on Lake Cresta and Lake Cauma.
  • Swimming in lake Cresta has been a thrilling experience. The waters are amazingly crowded despite their bone-chilling temperature, which can actually be a bliss in mid summer days, when the sun is baking hot. Make sure you bring your swimming gears!
  • if you fancy Camping we can recommend Camping Flims, which is very comfortable and is located perfectly close to this track.

Useful info

  • When to go: from May to October.
  • Food and Water: there are plenty of options to stop for a beer and some food. We stopped at Lake Cresta for a few hours to enjoy some beers and plunge into the bone-chilling waters of the lake.
  • Starting point: Camping Flims, Flims, Switzerland is a good starting point.

Table of contents:


It is a warm summer weekend in July, perfect for a weekend getaway on our mountain bikes. We decide to go for Flims and Laax and carry our trusted Hubba Hubba tent. We spend the first day at high altitude in Laax (see our photostory here) which is amazing but leaves us completely drained of our energies. After a nice warm shower and a filling campsite dinner based on pasta with pesto, we quickly go back to our tent to get some much needed sleep.

The following day we wake up at a decent time, but we cannot say to have slept well. Just a few meters from our tent we had a group of drunken Serbians that spent most of the night making noise and having fun at awakening the guests. There was no night guard and nobody (including myself) felt brave enough to confront them, so the night actually has been not refreshening at all.

Anyways, the plan for today is to stay low on altitude and have a nice ride through the forest and around the lakes in Flims, definitely an easier plan but still beautiful, as Flims is located on the top of a canyon surrounded by pine forests and lakes:

Panoramic shot from the viewpoint “Il Spir”.

Today the trail is easier, no snow and no ice-cold river crossings, but there are so many tracks in this forest that we continuously need to keep an eye on the postings to avoid getting lost.

Maria entering the Flims forest.
Easy riding today.

After a few kilometers we get to a very lively lakeside beach (Crestasee), with a bar, music and lots of people, many of which are swimming in the lake. Shall we do the same? Of course! Thankfully the only way to get into the water was diving from a small dock, otherwise it would be impossible to progressively make our way into the water…the temperature must have been no more than 16 degrees!!!!

Crestasee. Ice cold.

After drying up we hit the road to go back to camp – it’s sunday and we’ll have to go back to our homes in Milano and Basel. As before, the trail goes along wide and nice gravel roads, but features nice views and nice fruity suprises!

Fresh wild strawberries.
View of the Caumasee

We arrive back at camp happy and relaxed after the nice ride in the forest, and have some time for further relaxing before hitting the road back home(s).

Maria happy and tired of her ride today!
Maria looking great after our ride!

Until next time!

Maps and Stats

Total distance: 18424 m
Max elevation: 1191 m
Total climbing: 861 m

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